Call for Proposals

The annual CCR School Models Leadership Summit convenes Early College High School (ECHS) and Pathway in Technology (P-TECH) districts, campuses, and their partners. Sessions are the core of our Summit and we are seeking proposals that engage attendees, provide insights and solutions, and identify trends and innovations applicable to CCRSM implementation and success.

The deadline to submit a proposal is February 24, 2025. We will notify those selected to present by mid-March.

Session presentations should be 60 minutes long and can take a variety of formats including: presentation, workshop, roundtable discussions, panels, etc. We welcome all types of session proposals!

We are accepting proposals for the following Summit tracks:

Model Management: Sessions in this category explore different methods of program management, with a focus on implementation and sustainability practices such as staff development, data tracking, program evaluation, continuous improvement, budgeting, and change management.

Academic Infrastructure: This track features sessions focused on academic curriculum and instruction that support building dual credit crosswalks, ensuring CTE alignment and preparing for TSIA 2.0.

Student Supports (Preparing Students for College and Career): Sessions in this track focus on how programs recruit, engage and develop wraparound supports for students enrolled in CCRSM programs.

Partnerships: This track will explore the integral role partnerships play in the success of a CCRSM model. Session topics could include MOU development, collaborative strategic planning and professional development, and creating crosswalks and work-based learning opportunities.

Planning: This strand is designed to familiarize planning and early implementing campuses with best practices around ECHS and P-TECH model implementation.